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Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh, The Drama of School

One of my favorite things about being an artist is learning a new type of art. Sometimes it something i create in my head and just do w/ little experience or knowledge of previously; I'm just determined to created the picture in my head. And other times the new art skills are learned through my forcing it on myself, aka. a class. This method is obviously especially good for the more complicated arts, such as the lost wax jewelry casting class i am taking now. I really don't think this is something i could figure out on my own very quickly with out a few years of trial and error. Hence my mega excitement that i get to forgo that option and jump right in. But because i have forced myself into this, dates and deadlines are now being forced on me, (well, not really forced, my prof is super laid back) meaning my brain needs to jump into gear and figure out what i am going to do. I am having the worst trouble figuring out what i want to cast. I have carved a ring that i went blank on design wise, a bird that my dog then ate, another ring that i dont think i even like, and now, a branch. yes, a branch of wood. i think that i like it a lot but i think i may have gotten too excited and maybe botched it up a bit. maybe its fixable. Regardless i fear i am supposed to walk in to class Wednesday with a ready to cast item, which i have not, since my dog (Diesel) ate the bird i had just finished. Dumb dog

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