I adore showing off new stores! I want to see the next Big Thing!

If you have recently opened up a shop online to share your work and wares I would like to interview you. In other words, free advertising here! Please contact me for information.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Ohhhhhhh (she sighs with a bit of groaning from inside), it's miserable being sick. Last night I felt cold, ridiculously, unendingly cold. And I shivered til I cried. I slept under 5 blankets. And I mean thick, hand-crocheted yarn blankets. This morning after a great nights sleep (thank God for Advil) I almost went to work but decided to play it safe and stay in. Sorry co-workers, I know you missed me. Thank goodness I did tho, I feel just as rotten still as I did last night. Very feverish, alternating every hour or so from hot and soaked in sweat to freezing (I pulled on a knit sweater and pants and laid on my front lawn in the sun at the hottest part of the day to warm up; it was an unsuccessful effort).

So what did I do all day? Well, I slept alot, watched a favorite movie (Anne of Green Gables, which I watch at the beginning of every fall) and tried to accomplish something useful. Basically, I just fiddled online though. It was useless. I feel dizzy walking, and my hands feel to weak to master my tools in my usual way, besides the fact that I don't feel the slightest bit creative when all I can think about is blahhhhhhh....

Sorry. Even my blog today lacks joy and effort. To make up for this, I can promise you a new interview coming soon with another new artist. Check back for this in a couple days when I (hope, dream, and wish) will feel better.

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