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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Return To Drama

So, technically I've back at work for awhile, and but I'm disappointed that already the vaca. vibes have worn off! Solution: vacation more! (This weekend, we are taking a day+ off to go to halloween horror nights and have another mini vaca.)

While we were up in beautiful South Carolina, we had a great time, and it was the most relaxed I've been in a long while! I refused to think about work, school, or anything that could cause stress. Even money. We had a credit card cleared off and ready for just that trip, so we didn't have to worry about screwing money things up somehow! We're very good at that part. We did however talk about our house. We love our house; it's really a slightly pathetic house though as we bought a fixer-upper a couple of years go and our fixing up has been limited so far. We do a little bit at a time but we have got to get on the ball.

Being in the beautiful blank-canvas hotel we were staying at reminded us of the clutter at home and the stress is reflects back. Empty areas are much better at absorbing my stress when I am in my house. It needs to be a calm place!

So, since we've been back, besides all the regular work, school, and obsessive amounts of art projects I've been working on, I have been focused on Spring Cleaning. When I say Spring Cleaning, I mean, gettin rid of everything that takes up too much space, doesn't get used regularly, looks funny, smells funny, etc. My worst downfall is when it comes to gifts. Much of my inner being wants to be a minimalist. But I have so much appreciation for people that care about me that I feel obligated to keep their gifts for at least a certain amount of reasonable time. I try to enjoy the gift, even if it doesnt seem to fit my particular tastes right off the bat, and then at the end of a years time or so, I can assess whether I'd like to keep it around or not, without feeling guilt.

Anyway, I have accomplished the cleaning out of one room thus yet, almost entirely, and would like to begin room two this weekend. Who knew cleaning would be so slow. But I am condensing my items and organizing properly, and am proud of myself for it. I even plan to hold a yardsale at the end of next month. This will help me stay focused, and maybe buy some groovy Closetmaid for my house afterwards!

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