I adore showing off new stores! I want to see the next Big Thing!

If you have recently opened up a shop online to share your work and wares I would like to interview you. In other words, free advertising here! Please contact me for information.

Friday, September 12, 2008

New Artist Interview: Ingersworld

Artist: Ingermaaike from Harpefoss, Norway

I love a good quality toy! I had so many when i was a child that still remain in my possession. I have recently become a little obsessed with findin other unique, quality children's toys. I believe Ingermaaike of Ingersworld is creating beauties that will last for years to come, making memories for so many children that hug them into their adult years!

1.Sum up your current life for us in one sentence.

I am a fanatical felter who loves to experiment and push at the boundaries. Mainly self-taught, as I am too contrary to be taught.

2. What do you make?
I make fiber art of all kinds. In my store I sell toys of felt and I have another store where I sell mostly scarves.

3.Are your items sold at any brick-and-mortar stores?
I have plans to do so in the future but for now Etsy is my only

4.What is something you've always wanted to learn how to do or make?
I would love to learn to work metal, the real smithing of large objects.

Herbert, the deepsea flobberworm

5.How did you learn the skill you sell in your shop?

I followed a one-day workshop once, and understood the principle of how felting works; the rest is history.

6.If you could be doing anything anywhere you want in 5 years, regardless of your current life, what would you be doing?
I have just moved from the Netherlands to Norway, and in 5 years time I
would love to have refurbished our barn so I can start a real B&M store there, selling creations from my European teammates there as well.

7. Do you sell at festivals or markets? How does this compare to online sales?

I have been to one fair so far and sold really well. I have yet to meet the right people here. But will certainly be attending fairs here in Norway too. It is great fun to actually meet the people who want to have what you have made.

8.Outside of your shop life, was else do you do?
I am a mother of three boys, a wife, and love to be able to fill my days with crafting and messing in and around the house.

9.What has been your best sale?
Sometimes I will get a return customer that is so enthralled with what I make that they come back time and again. They keep me going on and on.

10.What other information would you like to provide shoppers about your shop?
It is a shop that will evolve over time as I never make the same twice, keep an eye on it and be surprised.

The mouse that would


Anonymous said...

Inger does the most fantasticly beautiful work with felt! What artistry to have such a range - from scarves to flobberworms! The flobberworm really catches my fancy!!!

Greet said...

Great interview, I like Ingers stuff so much, especially her gorgeous elephant (you find it in her shop), she's a real artist!!!

matchstickgirl said...

fantastic i adore Ingers world!!!!!

panyizsuzsi said...

Congrats Inger! Keep going!