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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Vacation Time

My husband and I have finally reached our 5th wedding anniversary! Can you believe it? I breathe a sigh of relief for some odd reason. To celebrate it and the fact that this will probably be the last year we can before we have kids, we are going on a vacation.

We were very lazy in making plans and took the easy way out which means going to Greenville, SC. It's a beautiful place with lots of neat things to do around it. But it wont top last year's vacation, we took a cruise and it was just marvelous. But this year will be relaxing, with a hint of adventure (we may take a hour hike to a waterfall or something).

I am very excited to leave for Greenville, I am very excited for even tomorrow to end so I can switch into vaca. mode. I am there in spirit already and I have my mind tethered to my body with a fraying lasso, that won't hold much longer. I am ready to go relax.

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