I adore showing off new stores! I want to see the next Big Thing!

If you have recently opened up a shop online to share your work and wares I would like to interview you. In other words, free advertising here! Please contact me for information.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Monthly Goals

Like 95% of America I'm sure, I suck at sticking to New Year's Resolutions. So, instead of even attempting, I am going to make monthly resolutions. The goal is that I will see how life is on the other side of that missing object or goal, and by the end of the months, maybe I will have formed a few new habits.

One other change to the traditional New Year's Resolutions, I am starting now. I will have a practice month, from Thanksgiving (2 days ago) to Christmas. The goal I am setting for this month is simple: to do something nice for somebody different everyday. Care to join me?

After Christmas, I will sit down and form my list of monthly goals for the year of 2009. Seeing as I need to loose weight and am hopelessly addicted to a few food and drink items, I will focus a few months goals on avoiding those certain items. Other goals will focus around things to improve habits, my relationships, my home, the earth, etc. I am taking suggestions!

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