I adore showing off new stores! I want to see the next Big Thing!

If you have recently opened up a shop online to share your work and wares I would like to interview you. In other words, free advertising here! Please contact me for information.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Artist Interview: FRIAGO

Artist: Francisca de Souza of Fort Lauderdale, FL

Being a jewelry maker myself, I don't usually select other jewelry makers to interview, but Francisca's jewelry is fresh, simple, and quiet elegant. It's hard to pass through her shop and not fall in love with at least a few possible wardrobe-staples.

1.What inspired you to start selling your work? I love making jewelry. It doesn't so much seem like work to me. I was working full-time when I decided to start selling. A few months later, getting laid of from my job really gave me the push I needed to really dive head first into it.

2.What is something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do or make?
Ceramics & Pottery are so beautiful to me. I would love to take a class one day.

3.How did you learn the (main) skill you sell in your shop?
I am self taught when it comes to jewelry making. I love accessories and had a bit of a hard time trying to shop for things that were a reflection of me. I think that my design background (in architecture) has helped me to become a better jewelry designer.

4.Where do you find inspiration in your day-to-day, or during creative slumps?
One thing I cannot do is design on command! I am inspired by so many things. Of course architecture….but also art, photography, people I meet, nature, and everyday situations. I often design for places; meaning, what jewelry is appropriate to wear to the supermarket, a wedding, to have a cocktail, etc....

5.How do you promote your shop to the world?
I do a ton of promoting: in forums & chats on Etsy, through family and friends, through networking sites like facebook and myspace, and through my blog and other blogs. I've met some wonderful artists so far.

6.If you could be doing anything anywhere you want in 5 years, regardless of your current life, what would you be doing? In 5 years I would love to be a mommy to at least 2 gorgeous babies, an even better wife than I am now, and to still be happy & healthy.

7.Outside of your shop life, what else do you do? At the moment there isn't too much going on outside of my shop life other than family time and the occasional short vacation. Having a business is more than full-time for me. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have the freedom of owning my own business and doing what I love with the support of my husband and family.

8.Please tell us 5 things about yo
urself that most people don't know. (Make it intersting!)

9.What kind of things do you have planned for the future of your business?
I am currently expanding my business plan to include selling at local boutiques, I have already included wristlet clutches to the Friago collections, but have yet to debut them, and I would love to get into clothing one day.

10.What other information would you like to provide shoppers about your shop? You'll find more and more pieces where I have mixed metals. I love the clean lines of a sophisticated piece of jewelry that can be worn everyday. I adore big bold pieces, but lately I've gravitated toward cleaner, simpler designs.

11.What is the best piece of advice you've ever received, regarding business or otherwise?
1. Patience is a must! This one has been extremely hard for me!
2. Always keep your business hat on no matter where you are, Friago is always being represented by me.

Francisca has offered a couple coupons as a thank you for reading about her new shop! This is just in time for Christmas shopping, so take advantage!
Mention the coupon code, and remember not to pay until she has sent you an adjusted invoice!

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