I adore showing off new stores! I want to see the next Big Thing!

If you have recently opened up a shop online to share your work and wares I would like to interview you. In other words, free advertising here! Please contact me for information.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Presents and the Big Disappointment

I started so early. I had so many ideas. And so much eagerness. I dreamed of creating all of my christmas gifts this year. But I failed. My family is just tooooo big. Come on, we are talking, like, 20 people. I went a little easy and ruled out the people like my brothers-in-law and baby nieces who would have no appreciation for a homemade gift, so that ruled out...5. Then a couple of the non-immediate family members were going to get family gifts. So, that narrowed it down a little more. But there are a few people whose gifts I still just do not have time to finish. Granted I could be working rather than typing this, but I am bummed, and tired, and sore. I am decided a couple gifts will just be put off til birthdays, or next Christmas, or maybe even given unfinished. Bummer.

Here are a few of the gifts I did finish, and I will post more as I finish them.

For Lucas's Grandmother
(This is a Family Tree bracelet that has a gemstone representing every member of the family, size according to generation, and grouped by immediate families. I will also soon post in my shop as an item I will make custom also)

For Aunt Sherrill
(This is a super cute set I bought before my brilliant make-it-all idea, and so I found a way to spiff it up with a mug-cozy, to keep from burning hands w/ hot tea!)

For my cousin Paul, and his family (Melissa, Max, and Annie)
(A store bought blanket that I embroidered sort of, and then refolded it inside out so none of the handywork can be seen. The surprise is inside!)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Artist Interview: Buttons&Rainbows

Artist: Sara Ortiz of Illinois


I have had the pleasure of talking to Sara online some lately and she has such wonderful ideas about bringing out everyone's creative sides. She would love to share this dream with adults and children all over the world and you can learn more about this, as well as her own eminently creative side on her personal website and blogs.

What do you make?
I hand-paint children's clothing mostly. I also have stationary, plushy key chains for babies and toddlers to play with, crocheted bracelets, felt bookmarks and 3-D cut paper art. All of my creations are made with the goal of bringing creativity, texture and color back into our child’s lives.

What inspired you to start selling your work?
A little creature names Herbert. He’s a little green guy that came to me one day so I painted his portrait on a t-shirt and I thought to myself that I should share him with others. And then I thought wouldn’t it be nice to have your imaginary friend with you at all times, no matter your age? So this thought process snowballed into Buttons & Rainbows.

Are your items sold at any brick and mortar stores?

Yes, I live in a small town called Danville, IL. We have many cute family owned stores. I am selling at a children’s bookstore called Blue Kangaroo and a café called Brewstar.

What is something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do or make?
This list is endless. Let’s see, I would love to learn: how to fly, screen-printing, astrology, jewelry making, how to sail a boat, quantum physics, to speak French fluently, how to fix a car, how to make a killer Boston Cream cheesecake (like the one from The Cheesecake Factory), how to do the splits, I think I’m going to stop there.

How did you learn the (main) skill you sell in your shop?
My mom taught me how to crochet and I have continued to learn on my own through the internet and magazines. I taught myself how to paint and draw. I just clear my head and start moving my pencil over paper and just go with whatever comes out. The thing I had to learn most was letting myself get into the flow and not having preconceived notions or being scared of it not looking “right”.

Where do you find inspiration in your day-to-day, or during creative slumps?
I either walk or just drive around my town. Most often when I get to our downtown area I am filled with all the history and potential that our town has to become great again that my brain just starts firing away and I can’t wait to get home to get it all down on paper and start working.

If you could be doing anything anywhere you want in 5 years, regardless of your current life, what would you be doing?
Celebrating the publication of my second children’s book and my first novel in Paris, while I speak French with Johnny Depp at a café. (I don’t ask for much!)

How do you promote your shop to the world?
Mostly word-of-mouth. I have less than $200 in my business account so advertising is non- existent. Selling at Brewstar and Blue Kangaroo has helped. I also try to participate in any event I can here in Danville. That helps to get the word out too.

Outside of your shop life, what else do you do?
I work part-time for my dad at his computer shop. I do a lot of volunteering with the Boys & Girls Club. I’m working on a children’s book and am starting to write a young adult novel. I love talking philosophy with my husband and I love to read.

What kind of things do you have planned for the future of your business?
I want my products to inspire and spark creative thought in children so I am starting to design creations that have a more interactive quality to them and enable the child to use as well as play and experiment with them. I’m also working on designs that are more grown-up but still playful in order to bring out the child in adult as well.

What is the best piece of advice you've ever received, regarding business or otherwise?
A friend once told me to not worry about where the money is coming from or how you will get it. As long as you are passionate about what you do and find your little piece of the world, riches will find you.

My fabulous new friend Sara wants to share her creative wares with you and is generously offering 30% off her entire shop thru the end of this month! There is still time to get those last minute Christmas presents, ya know, for the friend you forgot or the family that is suddenly coming to town now! When you check out, use the coupon code SuzLuc, and don't yet pay. Sara will adjust the invoice for you or get back to you about other options!

Even more exciting, Sara has a new product to introduce called Bits & Pieces and she would like to give it to you for free! It is an awesome kit she has put together for children's parties Anyone who makes a purchase through the end of January will be entered, and a name will be drawn on February first! Please refer to her main website for more information, and check back soon for pictures!

Wrist Wear

Chair of Goodies

Dedicated, hard-working Bianca

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Need a Gainesville Apartment?

That's right!

I have an apartment on my property that my best friend is moving out of and is now for rent. This is a horrrrible thing to do to my beloved blog, but I have such limited access at work and am eager to get these pictures up somewhere soon! (And this provides a great way for apartment looker's to learn about me!) I will leave out the gory details, but if you are interested just email me for more information.

Front view of house

One corner of main room


Small piece of the back yard.

If you are intersted and have not seen the add, check out Gainesville, FL Craigslist, and apartments. Or just email me for more info!