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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Presents and the Big Disappointment

I started so early. I had so many ideas. And so much eagerness. I dreamed of creating all of my christmas gifts this year. But I failed. My family is just tooooo big. Come on, we are talking, like, 20 people. I went a little easy and ruled out the people like my brothers-in-law and baby nieces who would have no appreciation for a homemade gift, so that ruled out...5. Then a couple of the non-immediate family members were going to get family gifts. So, that narrowed it down a little more. But there are a few people whose gifts I still just do not have time to finish. Granted I could be working rather than typing this, but I am bummed, and tired, and sore. I am decided a couple gifts will just be put off til birthdays, or next Christmas, or maybe even given unfinished. Bummer.

Here are a few of the gifts I did finish, and I will post more as I finish them.

For Lucas's Grandmother
(This is a Family Tree bracelet that has a gemstone representing every member of the family, size according to generation, and grouped by immediate families. I will also soon post in my shop as an item I will make custom also)

For Aunt Sherrill
(This is a super cute set I bought before my brilliant make-it-all idea, and so I found a way to spiff it up with a mug-cozy, to keep from burning hands w/ hot tea!)

For my cousin Paul, and his family (Melissa, Max, and Annie)
(A store bought blanket that I embroidered sort of, and then refolded it inside out so none of the handywork can be seen. The surprise is inside!)

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