I adore showing off new stores! I want to see the next Big Thing!

If you have recently opened up a shop online to share your work and wares I would like to interview you. In other words, free advertising here! Please contact me for information.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Interview With, Well, Me!

I am going to be featuring new artists soon, and as a sample and beginning, I decided to feature myself so that you can learn more about me!

1.Sum up your current life in one sentence.
I have finally discovered who I am and what makes me happy; while this does not tell me what I will be doing 10 years from now, it sure fulfills me daily, which makes me a better wife, a more excited friend, and a happier person all around.

2. What do you make?
I make so much stuff and every 6 months, get the urge to learn a new skill! But as of right now, I paint, draw, pastel, woodwork, stained glass, bead, sew, quilt (a tiny amount, still learning), and um, well i forget what else. But I am also learning to cast jewelry out of molten metal!

3.What inspired you to start selling your work?
Stuck in a retail job that I thought would lead to a fullfilling businesss management career, I lost interest and filled my time with learning a new craft (jewelry). With business, design, and people skills under my belt (as well as many big sales through coworkers), i decided to officialize my self as a super small business owner and start a real shop. I am pushing hard to make this fit my income needs so that when i go to school ft in spring i won't have to go to another crappy part time job!

4.What is something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do or make?
I dream constantly. At the top of my current list is metal fabrication and jewelry casting, flying planes, and latin dancing.

5.How did you learn the (main) skill you sell in your shop?
I picked up a box of beads at a yardsale, stole a pair of plyers from my husband and set to work playing until I learned how to create good quality jewelry. Now and then I do peruse magazines, websites, and other for inspiring ideas or even simply beautiful things to look at.

6.Where do you find inspiration in your day-to-day, or during creative slumps?
Everywhere! A favorite pen and how it fits my hand even cheers me! Trees and shade on a warm day, a well designed website with groovy items, the kindness of a stranger, the hugs of my husband or kisses from my cat.

7.If you could be doing anything anywhere you want in 5 years, regardless of your current life, what would you be doing?
I have a huge goal with this shop. It needs to support me. Not my entire family but I want to pull my end of the deal and still be a stay-at-home mom when I start having kids next year or so. In 5 years, I want to be found in my studio next door to my home with my radio on, and one or two little buggars locked inside the white picket fence of my studio yard. I want to be playing, teaching and crafting with them. That is my current dream.

8.Outside of your shop life, what else do you do?
I am a constant maker. I am also a movie watcher and a reader. And a forever student. I am currently taking a jewelry casting class, learning the lost wax process of metal casting. I am totally a sucker for the love and admiration of my husband. And I looove to just relax with good friends over dinner.

I hope you enjoyed this sample!

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