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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

In My Dreams!

My hubby and i have been thinking dreamingly of redo-ing our kitchen lately. It's really just a money pit, so much so taht we are afraid to even start working on it (we bought the house 2 years ago) and have just avoided it like the plague by eatting out 5 days a week. We have consequently gained about 10 lbs each. Bummer, but good inspiration to either start working out or redo the kitchen.

True Love Signed Print by FashionCandy

When I say redo, I really don't mean redecorate. I mean rip everything down and start from plywood floors and bare studs. My husband might find one or two walls salvagable, but I am so grossed out by the previous tenants of our house that I want to just start from scratch. You would to, trust me! (crack pipe, anyone? Seriously.)
So, I find myself looking today on Etsy (where else would I spend my spare time?) at kitchen goods, and while we first require important things like a better fridge and stove, and well, walls and a floor, we will eventually be ready to do the redecorating part, involving all the super cute handmade towels, and spice racks, etc. I also envision myself purcasing a great set of colored pots and pans.

These items will some day belong in my kitchen.

Spicelab Bar by PurposeDesign

Family of Three by SayYourPiece

Vintage look kitchen embroidered Pots and Pans tea towel by

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